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Tuesday, 26 November 2013

early mornings

This morning it was cold. Weird. We have been so hot here lately that fans on all night is just what we do. The cooler temp caught us by surprise and woke baby up early. Like 5:45 which some don't find early but for this household it is. I'm lucky { I worked my tail off as newborns to establish good sleepers } enough to have normal wake time as 7am. So with the extra time I decided to do an activity - a Christmas tradition being that we make ginger bread play-doh!  Asher usually isn't into play-doh but this stuff he is! It smells good and feels awesome...for a 3 year old boy anyway.

I don't really know the measurements as I seem to keep adding more cinnamon so its not too wet but the two ingredients are:

1. Cinnamon
2. Apple Sauce

A rough guide is 2 parts applesauce 1 part cinnamon.

I grabbed the sauce from aldi this week and will use the jars for giving the play-doh to friends and family for Christmas. We did this last year and gave to our neighbour and she was so amazed at it {I just thought she must not have pinterest}. We also make ornaments out of the mixture and have last years up at the moment. It's just a matter of using whatever cookie cutters you like, then baking the heck out of them. Use a skewer to make a hole for twine to hang them onto the tree also. You can see some of the ornaments hanging below { they're the dark gingerbread coloured ones }

Other then play-doh making the other fun thing that happened today was this:

Baby number 3!

It was the gender reveal scan but still we opted to keep it a surprise for us and everybody else. I wonder if I will ever choose to find out. I think I like keeping everyone on their toes :)

Today has been a good day xx

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