I recently discovered this website with simple curriculums for the primary school years. It's fantastic with guiding you to know where to start with extra learning at home in addition to what's happening in the classroom.
I don't know why but I have known our eldest needs more then just the basics when it comes to learning - he thinks differently and stretches further then most children his age. Sounds like I'm just a proud parent but I have notice this difference in him since he was about 15 months old when he could look at something he had never seen before - like a television - and work out how to turn it on/off without anyone showing him where the buttons were...and so many other little things he could work out before he was even previously exposed to them -- huge complicated puzzles at 20 months old and matching and memory games which became too easy for him and boring by the time he was two. He was talking in full blown proper sentences long before his toddler peers (and his later born siblings) then learnt how to ride a bike without any coaching at all - he just got on it and started riding - then it was the same with swimming...just one day figured it out without one lesson ever.
I guess this is just normal and everyone is different but with all of this I have really wanted to present extension activities to him -- sometimes this has caused me stress, it all is a lot more work then just doing the bare minimum day after day - ie turning the tv on and leaving it at that.
So now that he has started school, I am trying hard to keep on top of the extension activities he could be experimenting with. Right now life feels like I'm just keeping my head above water -- 2 other little ones at home and lots of sickness running through our familiy lately has worn me out. Just keeping it together is usually the feeling we are experiencing. So one day I found this awesome website with the curriculum for each primary school year. It is simply described and basic enough for parents to explore with their children. We hope to follow these curriculum pages with Asher and seeing whatever he is interested in.
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