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Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Screen Time

I am so paranoid about Asher watching too much TV. To the point where I get a nervous knot in my stomach when I do let him. I have only allowed one program in the morning and occasionally one in the afternoon {usually though it's morning OR afternoon} ....I also am selective with what program I allow it to be. Usually its Sesame Street in the morning and Play School in the afternoon.  Reason being I think they are the most educational and interactive...rather than a mind numbing cartoon.  BUT.....today is the day before we move house {for the sixth time in five years!} and john's on his last day of his 6 day out of town roster. I'm still dealing with morning sickness and weird sleep patterns, the house is a bomb and loads still to do. So I said today is the day you can watch as much TV as you like. By 10am I had had enough and said thats it outside! So we played outside listened to music and then headed back in so baby could nap. I found an awesome new app by Play School which is Asher's new favourite. So again today I let the screen time nazi slide and said yep you can play it. After a while I got restless again with him spending too long on it so I decided we would make muffins together - recipe from a Play School ep...can you tell we're hooked.   Really though I could just let it go and leave him be right?!

Ok well I think much of my point here is that there is lots of things I get nervous knots in my tummy over....TV, nutrition, behaviour, his education...I hope that I can still be like this but more balanced at some point. I need to realise I have a toddler, baby and another on the way. They have been with me full time all while daddy works away out of town. I can only achieve what I am humanly capable of. Anyway there's lots more thoughts I have on this, but thats it for now.

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