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Tuesday, 26 May 2015

My version of bliss

We just celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary this past week. I can't believe it. I remember all the excitement leading up to our wedding day, then the packing and collection of things as we moved in together after our honeymoon. It was such a special time in our lives and I always look back with happy memories. I remember thinking - I feel so happy right now when is this feeling going to stop as in will it just fade and go back to normal and routine like soon?

I can truly honestly say, that happy giddy feeling has never really left. I actually still get excited, still want to put on make up or lip gloss before i see my man after its been a while. Maybe its because of the amount of seperation we have anyway because of the flying... but it has made for a beautiful 7 years.

I remember a month or two after our wedding John and I were asked to speak in front of almost a thousand of our youth and young people from our church. Their ages were 18 to 31 - i didn't think we had much wisdom and didn't really prepare much in advance as to what we would say. The reason we were invited to speak was to discuss how we were able to decide to get married and why we chose to do so. Some people are scared, some are from broken homes and could never see the point of marriage and some really wanted marriage but there were no prospectives. I remember standing next to john and feeling proud that i had made that leap of faith and step in the dark to get married. I know that i did cause john anguish during our dating as i was always unsure and very fearful of my heart getting broken or if he just wasn't the right one. It took me a little time to get used to having someone else as well as i was so independent. Through the whole experience i prayed and pondered and was able to receive and answer and it was YES!

Seriously from that moment on i have never looked back, i shared that with those were speaking with. I shared that we were married in the temple and i felt even more safe. John always knew very early on we would be married but i took my time to figure that out :)

He is a wonderful man that does more as a husband then any other husband I know. I feel proud and happy and am so thankful for these past 7 years of marriage and 8 years of dating - here's to 70×7 more!