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Sunday, 26 October 2014

It all counts

I have not had any weekly at home themes for ages for the boys, which made me think I'm not doing so well. 

But then I stopped and thought what were all the things we did in this past week which could lead to learning....

Daily walks to the park/duck pond/library
Mothers group catch up
Mops group catch up with kindergarten set up
Asher practising writing letters
Listening to disney audio books
Lots of house chores
Pretend play under our house the construction site
Church attendance
Scripture reading and discussion
Listening to general conference throughout the day
Boys reading books to each other
Lots of stories read by mummy
Trip to southbank
Asher coming to saturday markets and paying for items
Visit to great grandparents
Asher learning to fix his own drinks/food

Loads more I'm sure...

I'm not missing out on anything if they are doing all of this. It's easy to forget that it all counts. 

John and I attended our annual church ball amongst it all. So nice to get dressed up and hold hands and dance to slow songs :) It was like everything was left behind...it was special. 

Don't be fooled, it all hits the fan daily in this place. I'm always feeling like I'm not doing enough, and constantly feeling overwhelmed. This is a season i know, I'm learning to not focus so much on the rubbish. Each of us have struggles. It's all perspective. 

Today has been a good day, I'm thankful to say. 


Monday, 20 October 2014

Frozen Ball

Asher has  "frozen" themed ball at his little childcare group over the weekend. They are amazing - run by the Salvation army - everything they do and why they decide to do it is always from the value they have of knowing children are a gift from God. They are so kind and thoughtful and hard working.

These are just a snippet of our fun time together....it was so special just to take Asher on my own, he was a lovely gentlemen as my date for the night :)

Don't mind the lousy background, a quick photo in our front yard before we rushed off was all the little guy could manage -

Sunday, 19 October 2014

A dragon fly a jet plane and a gaze.

It has been 3 months since checking in here....

So much has happened.

So many experiences, my mind is blown and I wish i could document every second because it all seems so important. My days have been full to the brim, and becoming busier as the time goes on. Sariah is now eating food, jet is now using the toilet and Asher is almost writing. Sounds like the sml stuff but really these are HUGE milestones. I've read some interesting books these past few months. One on the montessori method which actually changed me. Literally. Read some things before but the book changed what I now do each day.

I read another book on behaviour. It is incredible - by a doctor call Dr Shefali Tsabary - she has incredible TED talk you should check out.

Life has been flowing and the boys have been becoming harder, speaking silly words and fighting! Oh my word with the fighting. As the eldest learns more and acts kinder it is slowly becoming managable.

I took them to my favourite playgroup today. We are the loudest and worst behaved it always seems and i get paranoia about the other mums, but overall today was nice. The playgroup co ordinator is kind and supportive so i enjoy talking with her and hearing her insights.

Above all i have most enjoyed, stopping and sharing tiny moments....i have to work hard to make sure they are frequent in each day....asher wanted me to see a dragon fly, jet showed me his favourite jet plane and as i put sariah down for a nap we stared at each other for a lovely long time and with her smiling back at me i could tell she trusted me, wanted me and needed me. It was a strong emotion to feel in a 60 second period. All seperate instances have improved my view on my children for today. The next tantrum fight or time out will be bareable as i can draw strength from the moments that were good and know that the next good moment is about to come.

So much in my mind I want to write down and share....for now this is all I can. Until a new day i have a spare moment to get back on here.


Play group South Bank tafe runs monday to friday 9:30-11am. It is AMAZING. Organised by the education faculty for those studying to work in childcare - painting, costumes, sand, play doh, creative toys, musical instruments....forever more good stuff!