But then I stopped and thought what were all the things we did in this past week which could lead to learning....
Daily walks to the park/duck pond/library
Mothers group catch up
Mops group catch up with kindergarten set up
Asher practising writing letters
Listening to disney audio books
Lots of house chores
Pretend play under our house the construction site
Church attendance
Scripture reading and discussion
Listening to general conference throughout the day
Boys reading books to each other
Lots of stories read by mummy
Trip to southbank
Asher coming to saturday markets and paying for items
Visit to great grandparents
Asher learning to fix his own drinks/food
Loads more I'm sure...
I'm not missing out on anything if they are doing all of this. It's easy to forget that it all counts.
John and I attended our annual church ball amongst it all. So nice to get dressed up and hold hands and dance to slow songs :) It was like everything was left behind...it was special.
Don't be fooled, it all hits the fan daily in this place. I'm always feeling like I'm not doing enough, and constantly feeling overwhelmed. This is a season i know, I'm learning to not focus so much on the rubbish. Each of us have struggles. It's all perspective.
Today has been a good day, I'm thankful to say.